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This policy explains how AtlamPos processes and protects personal data of its users.

I. Definitions

Within the scope of this policy;

AtlamPos: AtlamPos, a Carpet Washing and Seat Cleaning Automation and Accounting Program,

User: It refers to the person who accesses the platform using AtlamPos.

II. Collection and Processing of Your Personal Data

Processing of Users' Personal Data

Personal data shared by users while using AtlamPos is processed only for the purposes of use. This data may include information such as username, surname, e-mail address.

Purpose of Personal Data Processing

Personal data is used to operate AtlamPos and enable users to make transactions on the platform. It can also be used to improve users' experiences on the platform and provide better service to their users.

Security of Personal Data

AtlamPos takes appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of users' personal data. Data is accessed and stored only by authorized persons.

III. Storage Period of Personal Data

Users' personal data is stored for the period required for the purpose of processing. The data is deleted or anonymized when the purpose of processing no longer exists or when the user requests it.

IV. Sharing of Personal Data with Third Parties

Users' personal data may be shared with third parties in line with legal requirements or the user's explicit consent. These sharings are carried out in accordance with the law.

V. User Rights

Users have certain rights over their personal data. These rights may include requests to check the accuracy and timeliness of personal data, request data access, and requests for data correction or deletion. Users can contact AtlamPos to exercise these rights.

VI. Policy Changes and Updates

AtlamPos reserves the right to make changes to this policy. Changes are notified to users and the updated policy version is published on the website.

This policy explains how AtlamPos users' personal data is processed and protected. By using AtlamPos, you are deemed to have accepted this policy. If you have questions about the policy, please contact us.